Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The greatest dream of globalists (Part 2)

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum shaking hands at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg (Source: World Economic Forum/Flickr/Wikimedia Commons/

Reports from the annual congress of the world’s most powerful in Davos, Switzerland, were dominated by statements of politicians about the war in Ukraine. It is understandable, but it is a pity that many media outlets did not have the time for more detailed coverage of panels and lectures devoted to the global plans of the business and political elite.

Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz


Perhaps one shouldn’t worry about this announcement – the initial date that was set in previous Forums for next year to reach a single global taxation agreement has been postponed to 2024 – but the very fact that the considered plan, which would have to flip the global economy upside down, is still in the minds of bankers and experts advising politicians is as disturbing as it is significant.

Parareligious madness

The health part of the conference was a spectacle in itself. Speakers drew conclusions dramatically different from most societies from the course of the global panic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Bill Gates, along with a representatives of the WHO, unanimously regretted that the burnout of the pandemic resulted in a “weakening of the determination” of governments to build a central, global system for managing subsequent predicted epidemics. The panelists agreed that the agency that should be given authority over governments and international organizations to introduce and manage an epidemic state in all countries should be the WHO. The disgrace of the WHO related to the pandemic, which exposed its disorder, political dependence on China and, to put it mildly, ineffectiveness in improving health, inversely proportional to the effectiveness in increasing profitability of “Big Pharma” conglomerates, went completely unnoticed.

Likewise, nothing has changed in the para-religious madness of the “climate fight”. The special envoy of the President of the United States, John Kerry, threw thunders at the world governments for their “weakening determination” in the fight against CO₂ emissions. And again – based on the performances of Kerry and other “climatists” it was difficult to find any indication of taking the current implementation of climate policy into account. The demand to stop producing energy from fossil fuels is still accompanied by the demand to stop nuclear energy. The world is to be saved by windmills and photovoltaics, the production and operation of which is indescribably more harmful to the environment than the combustion of hydrocarbons, whereas the limited resources and the extraction process of the necessary raw materials do not allow for obtaining even 10% of the energy needed in the world.

So maybe we should look at those gathered in Davos as a global politburo of sorts, one from the times of Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko, living in a parallel world of ideological delusions and protecting the opinions they expressed aloud with strict self-censorship? To some extent, yes, but let us not forget that it is the politburo and the globalist ideology, which is the essence of its existence, that strive to concentrate the enormous power over all mankind in the hands of institutions established in an obscure manner, without liability to anyone and recognizing themselves as bearers of wisdom inaccessible to ordinary mortals, whose “forced happiness” is not only their right but also a duty to mankind and history. Such aspirations appeared in history many times before, although never on such a large, global scale, and – to put it mildly – never ended well. The damage caused by attempts to implement similar demands was as ever growing as the determination of the “enlightened elite”.

Utopia of dispossessed humanity

Let’s not forget that when comparing essentially the same ideas that appear year after year at subsequent meetings in Davos, in terms of the way they are presented and worded, it is hard not to get the impression that the heralds of globalism are hiding a significant part of their intentions. Slogans, arguments which, somehow permeate into media circulation, causing anxiety in Western public opinion, are discreetly removed from public discourse and either covered with silence or replaced with more thoughtful PR strategies. A perfect example of this is the fate of Klaus Schwab’s slogan already quoted in the Wojciech Golonka’s article: “You will have nothing and you will be happy”. It was completely removed from public circulation, as it turned out that people actually wanted to “have” – ​​however, none of the ideas that stand behind this slogan disappeared from the works of subsequent forums.

The utopian concept of humanity that is dispossessed and doomed to rent all livelihoods from billionaire corporations, forced to use electronic, perfectly “fiduciary” currency, vanishing or changing in value based on the whim of the bank or the authorities, humanity gilded culturally with “wokeness” tools and controlled by artificial intelligence meticulously “evaluating” the behavior of citizens – as it is already tested on Chinese people – remains alive. And given that it is backed by a growing army of billionaires (in the year 2020, there were more of them in the world, 573 according to Forum data), it is potentially a utopia more dangerous than the class or racial based utopias of past human totalitarianisms.

Without knowing what is happening behind the scenes, we do not know, however, whether the ministers of globalism are ideologues detached from reality who missed the shockwaves that actually put an end to their dreams – or, on the contrary, they want to use plague, war, and hunger to fulfill their visions and know very well how to go about it.

This article was published in June 2022 in “Do Rzeczy” magazine.