Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The greatest dream of globalists (Part 1)

George Soros at the World Economic Forum (Source: Public Domain/World Economic Forum/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en)/

Reports from the annual congress of the world’s most powerful in Davos, Switzerland, were dominated by statements of politicians about the war in Ukraine. It is understandable, but it is a pity that many media outlets did not have the time for more detailed coverage of panels and lectures devoted to the global plans of the business and political elite.

Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz

Those who paid attention regardless could draw two completely opposite conclusions. An optimist – that the globalists’ plans are apparently crumbling and the fearsome “new world order” is collapsing long before its foundations have been built. A pessimist – that even the raging riders of the Apocalypse have not managed to break the globalist elites, increasingly detached from society, from their complacency and deep determination to make humanity happy with their plans to transform the world into a great anthill. Both of these conclusions are equally valid.

The significance of the Economic Forum in Davos, the history and meaning of which was detailed a few months ago by Wojciech Golonka in the “Do Rzeczy” weekly (No. 7/2022), where he focused on the biography of its initiator Klaus Schwab, does not rely on the documents officially adopted there. The topics that take center stage during the official speeches are hardly the most important piece of the puzzle. The most important factor is what goes on behind the scenes, where the world moguls get along, or even conspire, and where the media is not allowed to be present. Nevertheless, something from the atmosphere of these lobbies permeates the official part of the meeting and one can easily deduce what “resonates” intellectually among the elite.

This year’s Forum in its official part leads to the conclusion that although the majority of speeches and discussions were devoted to the war, although “Ukraine”, “Russia”, “Putin”, and “Zelensky” were words used more often than any other – in fact, the war, which at the time had already lasted three months, did not affect the participants. Most of the speeches gave the impression that the speakers had written them before February 23rd, and just before reading them they were coated with current events. And because recent events have changed a lot in the world order, the paragraphs devoted to them sometimes had nothing to do with the subject matter of the speech.

Kissinger’s theses

Of course, the greatest media attention was paid to the elderly Henry Kissinger, with his exhortation to the West to abandon its dream of inflicting a crushing defeat on Russia and to show “more understanding” to China. His words caused outrage, especially in our part of the world, and sparked discourse by some politicians present in Davos, but most of the participants of the meeting found Kissinger’s words to reflect their own moods. One could expect the former architect of the humiliating US defeat in Vietnam and the policy of concessions to the USSR, which prolonged the existence of the “evil empire” by at least ten years, to make such an appeal. By inviting him, the organizers knew that most of those present were eager to hear such a “voice of reason”.

Kissinger’s theses fit perfectly with the dream of the globalist elite, manifested not only in Davos, of “making things as they were again”. Let Ukraine come to an agreement with Russia, let whatever kind of peace be made and let it be possible to return to those ideas for changing the world that arise at meetings of world magnates, and not on the battlefields by the Donets river.

The fact that reports from Davos were dominated by “news” of who said what about the war is largely due to the fact that nothing new was said on the main “economic” topics. There were only some clarifications. In this respect, the panel devoted to the intentions of introducing a central global digital currency – the simultaneous elimination of state currencies and traditional money – seems particularly interesting. Although the very assumptions of the plan, which appeared earlier, seem utopian, and the expected wave of hunger and war-induced migration creates a rather unfavorable climate for such revolutionary changes, a specific date for world reform has been given for the first time: it is planned to take place in 5 years.


This article was published in June 2022 in “Do Rzeczy” magazine.