Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Anti-national resentment

Marta Lempart during anti-government demonstration in Warsaw, 2020 (Source:Wikimedia Commons/Tomasz Molina/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en)

The hatred for the motherland is shown most fully in sentiment towards those who are most culturally alien to it.

Paweł Lisicki

From a certain point of view, let’s say sociological, the reaction of Polish celebrities and, more broadly, a large part of the elite to the invasion of migrants sent by the thousands through Alexander Lukashenko, is a very useful educational tool. In examining it, one can clearly see the degree of eradication or national nihilism. It would seem that in a scenario where the basic interests of the state and the nation are threatened, regardless of political sympathies, it should be the duty of everyone to support the integrity of the state. Therefore, support, expressions of sympathy and solidarity should be first focused on those who directly defend the border: soldiers, members of the Border Guard, representatives of law enforcement. Supporting them is not a whim, but a bounden duty. It rests on those who want to be members of the Polish national community. For where the fundamental values ​​for the state are threatened – and this certainly concerns the defense and preservation of one’s own borders – political and ideological divisions should be put aside. Though it’s hard not to notice that it is not so. On the contrary, one gets the impression that for many journalists, politicians and, unfortunately, clergymen, the inviolability of the state has ceased to be an undisputed principle. Those who defend it, instead of receiving praise, become victims of insults, accusations, and a defamation campaign.

The radicals are most shocking. As always, you could count on Marta Lempart, the leader of the Women’s Strike. “The defenders of those f… uniformed murderers who were throwing children into the woods, threatened to report us to the prosecutor’s office and that they would sue us. F… do it then” – the activist shouted in front of the Sejm [original spelling – editor’s note]. I do not intend to quote blasphemy any further – that part will be enough. To be clear: this is not just one extreme case. Extreme? After all, we are talking about the public statements of a person who was classified as one of the most influential women of 2020 by the notorious and prestigious British newspaper, “Financial Times”! In fact, not so long ago, the FT (the most important journal of the world’s financiers) published her article, in which Lempart wrote about the Polish government’s persecution and neo-fascist groups. “FT” distinguished Lempart alongside Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Commission. Besides, it was not only “FT” – a few years ago Lempart was also chosen Person of the Year by “Gazeta Wyborcza” and, recently, the Superhero of “Wysokie Obcasy” magazine. Actress Barbara Kurdej-Szatan attacked Polish soldiers in a similar tone, using even more profanity. (Praise be to the president of the Polish state TV (TVP) – Jacek Kurski – for getting rid of her from television). Other representatives of the left-wing and liberal salon are not prone to such harsh invectives against Polish soldier – after all, not everyone is familiar with the use of gutter slang. For some, soldiers are “people in Polish uniforms”, for others “bestial faces”. It is evident that Poland does not represent a positive value for a significant segment of Polish society. Such individuals would like to get rid of borders and the state, which some openly declare, such as prof. Magdalena Środa.

What are the causes of this? When it comes to actors and celebrities, the most dominant features seem to be stupidity and the desire to be noticed at all costs. They are uttering whatever their saliva will bring on their tongue, just to attract the attention of the media, at least for a moment. However, the hatred towards the rulers seems to be a more important cause of attacks on soldiers. For many journalists or authorities of the liberal left, an attack on soldiers or the Border Guard is a form of frustration, compensation. By spitting on soldiers, they react to the most terrible historical evil that has touched them: the fact that they are not listened to and taken seriously. Hostility towards their own people, who had the nerve not to choose those rulers they wanted, made them equipped for anything. Since nobody is moved by the tirades about the fall of democracy, about the Kaczyst1 regime, about authoritarianism, the frustrations and sentiments must go further. They have to dig deeper – into the army, military, borders, the white and red flag. Hysterics are to signify the gravity of the threat.

It is a new phenomenon, unprecedented in the history of Poland. Hurt ambitions and affected self-love turn into hatred for one’s own nation. This hatred is exhibited in a negative way (so far verbal) in attacks on the army, in a positive way – in love for an abstract alien and another. The hatred for the motherland is shown most fully in sentiment towards those who are most culturally alien to it. Muslim migrants from Africa or the Middle East seem to be best fit for this role.

So far, no effective cure has been found for the disease of resentment.

1 The term Kaczyst is often used by the political opposition to the ruling party to signify that Jarosław Kaczyński is a fascist (Kaczyński + fascist = Kaczyst)

This article was published in December 2021 in “Do Rzeczy” magazine.