Tuesday, January 14, 2025
European UnionPoland

Deluded States of Europe

Seat of the European Commission in Brussels ( Source: Wikimedia Commons/EmDee)

European bureaucrats believe that the coronavirus crisis is a perfect opportunity to change the EU into a superstate. Poland is being executed, so that the remaining countries can witness that there is no alternative.

Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz

By 2025 the United States of Europe will be formed – proclaimed Martin Schulz towards the end of his career, the former President of the European Parliament and leader of the German SPD. Although Schulz’s brilliant career came to an end unexpectedly and sadly, there is no doubt that back then he did not make empty promises and his pledge of building a federal “European state” is still continued, what’s more – it is the eurocracy’s principal plan and focal point.

How are the “united states” built? Those in Northern America, called by its very founders a “union” (in the mind of the average American there is the “country” in which he is living, ungracefully translated by us at some point in time as a “state” as well as a “union” i.e., the federal institutions), were formed thanks to two decisions.

First – they were united by the debt incurred by all of the liberated colonies, for the service of which it was necessary to form a central bank with the right to bear a common currency. Second – they were united by the concept that a lower-ranking law may not contradict a higher-ranking law, which is guarded by the courts, with the Supreme Court at the forefront. Democratic legislatures of the counties or states may adopt whatever they wish, but each citizen has the right to bring any such resolutions to court and if it declares it contrary to federal law or the US Constitution, then they are simply null and void.

It is not difficult to notice that these two immense changes are being forced in Europe today via fait accompli. It is also evident that the determination of the eurocrats as well as – as shown in the anti-Polish debate in the European Parliament – a large portion of the politicians of the European left, to achieve this goal is considerably high. They appear to be acting in an unyielding conviction that building the European “united states” is an absolute, historical necessity and inevitability as well as that they are to be built “now or never”.

Ideological execution

Why now or never? First, because European countries have been paralyzed by the panic epidemic, caused by fear of the coronavirus. This panic showed a great readiness of the European citizens to renounce their fundamental freedoms for the promise of safety. Second, because an opportunity had arisen to create a very convenient enemy from the point of view of social engineering and political marketing, the condemnation of which seems easy. This condemnation will create a precedent for the discretionary supervision over the management of common debt funds and the principle of supremacy of EU law as a higher-ranking law over the laws of the Member States by the European Commission transforming itself into a “European government”. “EU law” does not of course mean the letter of the Treaties constituting the basis for the Union as an organization of sovereign states, but a free interpretation of general provisions of these treaties made in the judgements of the CJEU, as well as regulations of the European Commission and European Council.

Poland is a perfect candidate to be a scapegoat in an ideological execution, which will straighten out other countries – if not all, at least those from our region. It is neither too strong, such as France or Germany, nor too small, such as Hungary, its reputation has been long ago ruined in the in West, its humiliation and public slandering is an easy tactic for a successful political career, and it is questionable whether anyone would be willing defend it. Moreover, the Polish government committed a fundamental political mistake and stabbed itself in the back by exuberantly announcing the political program based on the European debt funds before it was sure that these funds will be received. Above all, only Poland has such an opposition which openly stands against its own nation and competes with itself in formulating accusations against it over of the most bitter foreign-language enemies. In many ways, it treats actions of the founders of the “European states” that fall outside the scope of the Treaties as a long-awaited liberation from the undemocratic “regime” and restoration of “the rule of law”.

What is significant, the European Parliament debate showed that those supporting the option of using Poland as an exhibition model to demonstrate the superiority of the constructed European state over the member states are very eager to overestimate the support of Poles for the opposition. A German MEP thanked “hundreds of thousands of Poles” who allegedly took to the streets at Donald Tusk’s call to manifest their support for the EU – in fact, the largest manifestation in Warsaw included 25,000 participants, while the overwhelming majority of the remaining 120,000 constituted pickets of a dozen or so individuals, boisterously covered by the media. The European allies of the “total opposition”1 also seemed to take the statements of the Civic Platform MEPs that they are supported by 84% of Polish society at face value.

This belief is based on a simple manipulation: „support for the opposition” is considered synonymous with support for Poland’s membership in the EU. In reality, these polls are not worth much and are largely dependent on the method of formulating questions. In one of the Eurostat polls which was conducted several years ago across the entire EU entitled, “Do you see the future of your country in the EU or outside of it?” the social potential of Polexit turned out to be greater (48%) than the willingness to remain in the EU at all costs (46%).

Italian scenario?

The politicians of the west do not seem to notice this. They believe that it is possible to repeat the past success of the eurocrats in Italy, first through manipulating financial markets to create a crisis in Italy, on the wave of which Silvio Berlusconi was removed from office, and then forcing the nomination of Matteo Renzi, a Prime Minister who exhibited a sluggish approach towards eurocracy. A similar scenario in Poland, with Tusk as the Polish Renzi, would be a dream for the construction of the eurostate, since – just as during the Partitions of Poland2, to which Guy Verhofstadt alluded almost nostalgically – the Polish government under his command would undoubtedly approve a formal renouncement of sovereignty. Naturally, the ostentatious fall of the current ruling party to their knees by the opposition without the exchange of power would also be suitable for “the states”. A third scenario is in play – forcing Polexit, the eurocrats would surely consider beneficial removing the “handbrake” inhibiting the construction of “the states”, however for the EU economies, especially the German one, this could be particularly painful. But we do not suspect those who treat the “Fit for 55” plan seriously to care about the economy.

It is not about “the rule of law”, “„LGBT-free zones”, nor “reproductive rights” (to speak plainly – abortion) or other matters in which the Union officials attempt to force Poland to submit to the principle of supremacy of EU law over the national one. It is about transforming the EU into a superstate.

In essence, the matter at hand resembles the current situation at our eastern border, where Poland is forced to protect the EU border and is simultaneously attacked for doing this by Polish agents of influence. In the battle for “the rule of law” we are forced to fight in the best interest of western countries contrary to the European Parliament majority, EU officials, and certain countries, led by the Netherlands, who seek to remain relevant by attacking Poland.


1The current opposition to the Polish government is often described (sometimes even by its own members) as a “total opposition” because there are virtually no issues on which the ruling party (Law and Justice) and the main opposing ones (primarily the Civic Coalition, mainly the Civic Platform along with others) can agree on.

2The Partitions of Poland were three partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth that started in 1772 and ended the existence of the state, resulting in the elimination of sovereign Poland and Lithuania for 123 years, until the end of World War I.