Friday, February 7, 2025

Are the globalists seeking regime change in Poland?

George Soros at the World Economic Forum (Source: Public Domain/World Economic Forum/

At the center of the funding flowing to Poland from America’s radical left is Action for Democracy, the same organization which poured big sums into the opposition’s campaign in Hungary last year. George Soros has transferred control to his son Alexander Soros, but this does not mean that the 93-year-old billionaire will no longer want to influence the fate of the world. Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet warns that, having failed to influence the outcome of Hungary’s elections last year, the Soros network is now seeking to influence Poland’s elections. Is it really the case?

Piotr Motyka

In an article titled “Soros network prepares for Battle of Warsaw” (“A varsói csatára készül a Soros-hálózat”), the Hungarian newspaper stresses that globalist circles intend to provide significant financial resources to influence the Polish elections and to replace the current government in Warsaw with one that is completely in tune with their worldview. A bid announced some time ago by the US-based Action for Democracy (A4D) seems to corroborate this claim.

A4D’s head is Dávid Korányi, a Hungarian with ties to the Soros network and a former advisor to Budapest’s liberal mayor, Gergely Karácsony. Karácsony was an important figure on the side of the anti-Orbán coalition in the run-up to the Hungarian parliamentary elections last year.

Action for democracy, really?

A4D, citing data from another organization, Freedom House, which is also funded by the Soros network, is wringing its hands over the state of global democracy, claiming that democratic systems are currently present in only 45.7 percent of the world’s countries, while authoritarian systems are in place in the remaining 54.3 percent. It therefore believes that its mission is to “activate the power of our citizens and build a global pro-democracy solidarity movement committed to promoting democratic values and institutions and pushing back against the rising threat of autocracy worldwide.

Created before last year’s Hungarian parliamentary elections, the organization states in its latest annual report that “the year 2022 was a year of existential crisis for democracy around the world. A looming recession, an unresolved energy crisis, an impending climate catastrophe, and the outbreak of the most destructive conflict in Europe since World War II all pose existential challenges to democratic societies. Trust in democratic politics, politicians and institutions is at an all-time low.

In its highly emotional message, A4D also claims that “Anti-democratic forces are on the march globally. From the storming of the capital in the US through the racist speech of Hungary’s leader echoing Nazi rhetoric, Poland’s judiciary under attack, democratic institutions under siege in Brazil, to the actual and potential aggression of dictatorships such as China and Russia, democratic institutions, the rule of law, credible elections, human rights, and independent media are under a concerted siege all over the world. The war in Ukraine has brought the battle between democracy and autocracy into an even sharper focus. Trust in democratic politicians and institutions are at an all-time low, hobbling the ability of democracies to defend themselves against the enthusiasm of nationalist-populists. All the while autocrats around the world increasingly aid and abet each other, forming a global cabal, and exchanging best practices on repression and corruption.

These emotionally charged slogans are the same kind of language we often hear from the most “politically correct” media outlets. However, many observers would say that they barely represent a realistic assessment of the situation, and that they are designed only to serve an interest group. A group which, under the guise of lofty words, wants to pave its way to political, social, and perhaps above all economic power.

The American left interfering in elections around the world

The A4D organization’s website has a section labeled “Battlegrounds,” the key “battleground states” being identified as Italy, Brazil, Hungary, and Poland. This is where, according to the U.S. NGO, democracy is under threat and in need of urgent help from abroad. As highlighted, these are the countries where, according to Action for Democracy, “democracy is most threatened and where there are elections to take place within the next year that will determine the fate of those democracies.

To this end, A4D wants to strengthen “democratic resilience and civil society in Poland.” In doing so, it explains that not long ago Poland was considered the most successful example of democratic transition in Central and Eastern Europe and a pioneer of European integration, but that today the country is showing increasing symptoms of a weakening of democracy and regression. In A4D’s view, in Poland the governing party’s political influence over state institutions is growing, nationalist and discriminatory rhetoric is spreading, the rights of women, minorities, and the LGBTIQ+ community are being curtailed, the independence of the judiciary is under constant attack, independent journalism is being stifled, and cronyism is becoming increasingly widespread. Such are the appalling conditions in which Poland is now preparing for parliamentary elections this fall, at least according to the American (left-wing) NGO Action for Democracy.

Also according to the organization, the resilience of Polish democracy is crucial to its global goals in the area of women’s rights, protection and promotion of democracy, mobilization and engagement of marginalized or underrepresented groups, climate change and energy transition, LGBTQ+ rights, Russian and Chinese influence, and so on.

Needless to say, the declarations made by A4D itself directly imply the undertaking of undisguised intervention in the conduct of elections in democratic countries by a foreign entity. It looks like the mighty of the world believe that today, they no longer have to act under cover and can quite openly say which territories they want to conquer on the battleground and subjugate to their rule.

The battle for Poland and Zimbabwe

Following its defeat in Hungary, the organization is thus expected to focus its efforts on parliamentary elections in Poland. It is worth pointing out that A4D’s activities have been under investigation in Hungary for the NGO’s interference in the parliamentary elections last year, and so it has had to give explanations of how it transferred money to that country. One of its explanations was that the money was transferred from Hungarians living in America. Will the financial support to NGOs involved in the upcoming election campaign in Poland be similarly explained (by donations from unidentified Poles living in the USA)?

A4D has also been marking its presence on Facebook and Twitter, where for some time its posts have been almost exclusively about Poland. Among them are posts criticizing Poland’s abortion laws, supporting demonstrations for LGBTQ rights, or reporting on the alleged lack of an independent judiciary in Poland. The organization’s leader, Dávid Korányi, attended a conference of the so-called Pact of Free Cities held in Warsaw last June. It was said after this conference that cities remain a key pillar in the defense against autocracies in Poland, Hungary, and… Zimbabwe.

Polish aid to Ukraine seemingly means nothing to A4D

Poland has risen to a formidable task recently, providing exemplary, dedicatedly organized support to Ukraine in its defensive war with Russia. But this seemingly means nothing to A4D, which looks only through the prism of its own (ideological) interests. Among their identified battlegrounds, the organization and its donors were successful in Brazil last year, when Lula da Silva won the election. They were defeated in Italy and Hungary, though.

What will the outcome be in Poland? The truth is that it will be primarily up to the Poles themselves, since, as we can see, foreign financing involving the export of a peculiarly understood “corporatocratic” democracy is not always omnipotent, contrary to what conspiracy theorists usually think. However, it is worth being aware of what is going on and remaining vigilant. It is also worth asking the Merciful God to protect our beloved Republic of Poland.

This article was published in Polish in the Do Rzeczy weekly in September 2023.